Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Almond Flour Rolls

Homemade Almond Rolls

2 tablespoons cream cheese
1.5 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
Mix with
2 eggs until smooth
Add warmed/melted butter and mix

1.5 cups almond flour
2 Tsp coconut flour

Will be sticky,  but not liquid... Add more almond flour to dry the mix if needed.

Bake on parchment or greased cookie sheet or in muffin tin.

Bake about 20 minutes @ 350F.
Raise temp to 375F for 5 min more to brown.

Serve warm with butter. These taste almost identical to the old Jiffy corn muffin mix I grew up with and have a very similar texture and flavor to that evil old cornbread and sugar mix.

